joi, 19 iunie 2008


warning! this person may experience harsh (but rather quick-passing) periods of depression, low self-esteem, testy-mood, loneliness, boredome, lack of interest towards activites or people, anxiety. also, it has been said to take things too personally, to be judgemental, quick-temepered, sharp-tongued, loud mind-speaker, know-it-all.

if you experience any problems with this person try and address her in a polite straight-forward matter, do not be affraid to sustain your point of view with strong arguments, be ready to debate a little, as this person is also known to be pretty hard headed. alas, it has been known for her to addmit her mistakes and ask for forgiveness, but only when proven wrong in the matter here stated. otherwise, you should contact your nearest fortune teller or you might as well write santa clause about it, 'cause it will do you just as damn much good.

there, im all covered. i wash my hands of the whole thing.

ps: incurajez lumea sa-si faca disclaimer. sa lasam chestiile adorabile la noi, hai sa vorbim de alea nasoale. ar fi atit de mult mai usor de coexistat intr-o maniera placuta si amiabila. dont wait for others to tell you what's nasty about you! tag?

2 proteste:

Ireena spunea...

Eu sunt de parere ca oamenii tind sa vada singuri chestiile nasoale in ceilalti si sa le uite pe cele adorabile. Deci acum se cere si un post cu what's adorable about you :p.

Didi spunea...

lol, nu, i really couldnt.